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Account Sign-up and Login

Before you can start using the platform, you have to sign up.

The sign-up process is easy. You will be up and running in a couple of minutes.

When you Sign up, an account with your name, email address and related information is created. You and the Platform’s administrators can manage your account. Only you can change or set your password.

The email address you use when signing up, cannot be used by any other user in the Platform.

If you wish to change your email address, you can send a request to

Sign up

Your sign-up as either an Advertiser or an Agency.

  • As an Advertiser you create campaigns on your own behalf, boosting your own business.

  • As an Agency you create campaigns on your client’s behalf.

  1. On the Landing Page click Get Started.

  2. Depending on the setup of the platform, you can see different options for how to sign up.

  3. To register with email:

  4. Select the account type that fits your business, Direct Advertiser or Agency.

  5. Enter required information:

    • Full Name

    • Company Email Address

    • Company Name

    • ABN

    • Industry

  6. Accept to Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy.

  7. Press Register

  8. After signing up you will receive a confirmation email with a link to set your password.
    The email will look similar to this.

    The Set password link in the email expires after 24 hours.

  9. Check your inbox, locate the confirmation email and click Set password.

  10. You are forwarded to a form asking you to create your password.

  11. Enter the same password in both boxes and click Set password.
    The password should include:

    • A minimum of 8 characters

  12. After pressing Submit, a reCAPTCHA validation is done to make sure you are not a robot.
    If validation is required a window is opened on top of the Sign up page where you need to validate.

If validation fails you are not able to login to the Platform. Please try again.

After successful login, you are redirected to the Dashboard.

Sign-up and Login with Google

If the platform is setup for single-sign-on with Google you can use your Google account to sign up and login.

Log In with Email

If you have an active account you are able to login.

  1. Enter you Email Address

  2. Enter your Password

  3. Press Submit

If your account is active, you are logged in and taken to the Dashboard.

Two-factor Authentication

If your account is setup for two-factor authentication, after you have entered your email and password, an email with an access code is sent to your email address.

If you see the screen above, do this:

  1. Check you inbox for the code.

  2. Go back to the platform, enter the code provided in the email and Submit.

If you didn’t receive a code, please check your spam folder. You can also select Resend code and the platform will send a new code to your email address.

You can turn on/off this feature under your Account details:

If you don’t see the Two-factor authentication option, the platform administrator has not enabled two-factor authentication for your account.

If you see the option but it is disabled, the administrator has enforced two-factor authentication, meaning all users must enter a code at sign-in.

Login error

If your account and password does not match an account in the platform, you will be shown an error message. Please check your email address, the password and try again.

If you feel the login error is not accurate, control the spelling of your email address and password. You can also select Forgot password to reset your password.

In case you are not allowed access, please contact your system administrator.

Change your password / Forgot password

Fact of life, sometimes you forget your password. No worries, if you forget your password you can reset it.

In the login page, select Forgot Password.

Enter you Email Address.

  1. Click Submit.

  2. You will receive an email with a link to Set new password.

  3. In the email, click Set new password.
    You will be redirected to the platform.

  4. Enter your new password.

  5. Click Reset password.

  6. You are logged in and redirected to the Dashboard.

Oops! - Session logout

If you have been inactive for a period of time, you are automatically logged out. This is for security reasons and protects your account for the case where you have left your browser open and leave your computer.

After you press Submit, the platform will try to redirect you to the page you had open when you were logged out.

In case you where logged out from the Campaign Wizard while editing a campaign, you will find your campaign on the Dashboard. In the case you were creating a new campaign and was logged out, you will find your new campaign in Draft status on the Dashboard.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.