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Audience Targeting

Audience targeting lets you target your ads to specific audiences. 

The audiences you can select are predefined per network and can be anything from demographics like age, gender, income and interest to more specific audiences categorized specifically for interest or behavior targeting. 

Before you select multiple audiences, you should take some time to understand how audience targeting works. Also important to note is that narrowing down your audiences to a small group will affect availability. There might not be enough individuals in an audience group for a campaign to reach your budget within the time frame you have selected.

Audience Targeting example

Imagine in a network setup with Age, Gender and Interest groups, you want to reach females, age 18-45 who are interested in fashion and/or travel.

Here is an example how that could look:

Note the logic between the selected options above. In this case your ads will be shown to:

  • Women with ages 18-25 who are included in the audiences Fashionistas, Health Enthusiasts, Luxury Shoppers or Travel.

  • Logic within each audience group is OR, logic between the groups is AND.

Audience targeting is specific for the network you wish to advertise in.

Depending on the network setup, audience targeting options will vary, or not be available.

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