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Here you will find terms and terminology used in the Platform.

Platform term



An account is the name and password used to login. Name and password is administrated by each user.

There are two types of user accounts, Direct Advertiser account and Agency accounts.


An advertisement is the promotion of a product, brand or service to viewers. The goal of an ad is to attract interest, engagement and sales.


The space on a web page where an ad loads.
A web page or app can contain one or several Ad-slots. An ad-slot has one or several preset Sizes.

Add-on price

An add-on price can be added for the targeting options you select. You can identify which options have an added price through a green icon next to the targeting.


Advertisers are users who have access to The Platform and can book Campaigns. Direct Advertisers create campaigns for oneself.


Agency is a company who creates campaigns on behalf of their Clients.

Agency Client

Advertisers linked to an Agency. Clients are administrated by the Agency. Clients are not users of the platform.

Agency Commission

Percentage of revenue given to Agencies. Commission levels are set in the platform by the Publisher.


There are two Amounts in the platform:

  • Budgeted Amount
    The amount an advertiser enters when creating a campaign. The amount is entered in either monetary amount or Impressions.

  • Delivered Amount
    Delivered amount for digital campaigns are calculated from delivered Impressions, Price Model and Price.


Your audience are the users who see and interact with your ads.

Audience targeting is a technique you can use to target specific audiences by the user's demographics, past behaviors, interests, income and preferences.


Maximum amount you as the advertiser wants to spend on a campaign. Budget is entered in monetary amount in your selected currency or entered in impressions or clicks.


An advertising campaign. A campaign has a Budget, Start date, Targeting and one or several Creatives.

A campaign’s Type, Placement and Targeting decides where and to whom the advertisement will be shown.

Campaign Type

The type of media where the campaign will run. For example Digital Ad, Radio Spot, TV Spot, Print Ad, Social Post, In App, Video, etc.


When someone clicks your ad.


The amount of which people have watched the ad from beginning to end.


Cost per thousand, (Cost-Per-Mille), a term for the price of 1,000 ad impressions.

If an ad placement on a website has a price $2.00 CPM, it means an advertiser will pay $2.00 for every 1,000 ad impressions.


Click Through Rate. Number of times your ad has been clicked divided by the number of times the ad has been shown. For example, the ad was shown 10000 times, and clicked 45 times: 45/10000 = 0.45 % CTR.


The ad shown. The creative will be in the form of a video.

Image, Native Ads, Video, Radio Spot, Social post ads and Third Party Script are some examples of other creatives.

Destination URL

Most creatives shown on digital media has a Destination URL. The page which is opened when someone clicks your ad.

Geographical targeting

Also now as Geo-targeting, lets you target your ads to audiences located in specific geographical locations.

Impression Budget

Based on Budget and Price. How many impressions which are expected to deliver for a Campaign


Number of times an ad has been delivered on any device.


Key Performance Indicators, how the campaign performance is measured. For example CTR.

Landing page

The first page of the platform. Describes the platform. Shown to all visitors before login and sign-up.


Automatic email notifications send from the platform.


Pre-pay is to settle payment for a campaign before the campaign has started. The payment can be settled either with a direct card payment at checkout, or as an invoice payment handled outside of the platform.

Price Model

When you purchase a campaign you see the price given in one of several price models. The price model is related to the goal of your campaign. Prices are calculated using the below price model:

  • CPM (Cost-Per-Mille)
    Price per 1000 impressions. Select this when you want to reach as many as possible. As you are creating your campaign the availability is checked continuously. You pay for delivered impressions.

Product filters

When you create a campaign you are guided through options such as Price models, Ad types and Campaign goals. Your selections serves as filters to select the right Product for the campaign you are creating.

Promo code

A promo code is a code you enter to get a discount. On checkout it gives you a discount on the current order.


The Publisher who is licensed to use the platform for delivering ad campaigns and promotions on their ad network(s).


A method to determine whether the visitor is human or not, for example a robot.

When you sign-up to a platform, the CAPTCHA will give you one or more of the following three experiences:

  • No interruption if a low “risk score” is returned.

  • If a risk score is triggered, an “I’m not a robot” checkbox

  • If a higher risk score is triggered, images where the visitor is advised to mark all images that follow a common theme.


Width x height dimensions for an Ad-slot.

For digital campaigns, the ad-slot is measured in pixels. For print campaigns sizes are measured in mm or inches.


Targeting is an online advertisement technique that refers to the targeted placement of ads.

The platform can deliver tailor-made ads based on the user's demographics, past behaviors and preferences. By using targeting, you can unlock these features and increase visibility and user interaction with your ad.

The Platform

The platform you use to create, pay, monitor and administrate your campaigns.


A technique to serve your ad from other ad management systems.


Video Completion Rate (VCR) represents the percentage of people who watch your video ads to their completion.

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