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VAST video tag

If you want your creative to be served via a third party provider, you can do so by the option Upload VAST video tag.

You add this type of creatives directly from the Wizard or under Campaign details > Creatives.

  1. Select + New Creative

  2. Select Creative Type > Upload VAST video Tag.

  3. Select a Format / Size.

  1. In Details page enter:
    - Creative Name (only you will see this)
    - VAST Tag URL
    If the ad is already available from the third-party ad-server, you will see it under Preview.

  2. Select Complete.

  3. The new creative is added to your campaign.

  4. Creative statuses:

  • If your campaign is checked out by card or set for invoice payment, the status for new creatives will be Under Review. Creatives with this status are automatically sent for approval.

  • If you have not yet checked out the campaign, the status of new creatives will be Draft.
    When you check out a campaign, Draft creatives under the campaign will change status to Under Review and is sent for approval.

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